We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

Through the unknown, unremembered gate

When the last of earth left to discover

Is that which was the beginning

-T.S Eliot

 Born in New Zealand, now residing on Vancouver Island, I am as changeable as the ocean.

An artist long in the making.

On moving to the island in in 2008 my work underwent a dramatic change in media, although not necessarily in focus. Thinking of vestiges left behind, I used scraps stitched together in colours that reflected those old worn out discarded bits of belongings and life experiences. Using skills of stereotypical ‘women’s work’ became art work. Learned stitching from my mother making do for her 6 children. Found objects added a sense of repair, do overs, patching together. Much like my life. My sense of self flowed through in works to allow the viewer to wonder. Everything meshed together in a way of trying to make sense of my life. Some ‘pretty’ images flowed through. My surroundings of sun and sea became a catalyst for lighter moods a welcome change for me and flowed happily into my creative work. The through line of my work is the blending of old into new, the unexpected into the expected.


1989 Diploma of Fine Arts (With Distinction) GPRC

1991 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting, Dean’s List) U of Calgary

1995 Master of Fine Arts (Painting, Mixed Media) U of Alberta

selected solo exhibitions

2006 River’s Edge, Fringe Gallery Edmonton, AB

2005 Painting 30 FAB Gallery Edmonton, AB a a is for angel, b is for boat Profiles Gallery Edmonton, AB

2004 The Time Has Come Harcourt House, Edmonton, AB

2002 Altars /Offerings Prairie Art Gallery Grande Prairie AB

selected group exhibitions

1999 113 Degrees West FAB Gallery Edmonton, AB

1997 Connell and Pellerin Fringe Gallery, Edmonton AB

1997 Neoteric Beaver House Gallery, Edmonton, AB

1997 A Dialogue Between Idea and Action, Triangle Gallery, Calgary, AB

permanent collections

Private Collections: Canada and New Zealand

Alberta Foundation for the Arts

University of Alberta

Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Grande Prairie

University of Calgary

Grande Prairie Regional College


1995 Florence Andison Friedman Award, Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Graduate Research Assistantship

1994 Graduate Teaching Assistantship, U of A J. Gordon Kaplian Graduate Student Award, Graduate Research Assistantship

1990 Dean’s List University of Calgary, AB

1988 H.J Bird Memorial Scholarship, Louise McKinney Post Secondary Scholarship, GPRC Tuition Scholarship

miscellaneous reviews

2004 Bouchard, Gilbert review, Edmonton Journal

2000 Day, Phoebe Artists At Work Folio, U of A

1999 Mandel, Charles review January, Edmonton Journal

1999 Nicholls, Liz Preview, Edmonton Journal

1997 Burns, Kathy, Sight Lines, Muttart Public Art Gallery

selected headlines

“Gallery artist examines the afterlife” Josephine Mah

“Connell transforms city castoffs into engaging urban totems” Charles Mandel,

“Spirit within white pickets” Carol Berger

“(Connell) draws from images of myth and memory” Susan Jones